
Friday, July 26, 2013

The Insect Museum

Being able to go on non-stop field trips is the best part about summer break. Yesterday, my kids and I had a fun time at the insect museum looking at all the different types of spiders, bugs, scorpions, bees....oh my!
I thought it would creep me out but I actually had fun exploring with the guys. They were excellent tour guides showing me around the place.
Since we were going to see bugs and stuff, jeans was the most appropriate things to wear....just in case....YOU KNOW! LOL. Anyways, I kept the look really simple with a basic stripe tank and a sheer blouse opened to give a little bit of layering. The look was finished off with a pair of faux pearls, a gold beaded bracelet, and a pair of canvas shoes. The purse is a bag I have had for a lonnnnggg time.

I can't believe the summer break for my kids are coming to a close. It seems like the time is flying by and they are growing so fast. I guess it's a bittersweet emotion. I'm happy they are returning to school
to learn fun and exciting things, but sad they will spend a large chunk of their day away.

 The museum allowed us to touch some of the bugs. Pretty cool....right?

 This was a beautiful fountain right outside the museum. This picture maybe used for a future DIY.

What a captive audience? At the end of the tour, the museum has flavored honey you can buy
and it was absolutely delicious.

Checking out museums and historic monuments is a great way to explore with your kids. What are you doing this summer?......I hope having fun!! Remember to enjoy life and stay beautiful.

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