
Sunday, July 28, 2013

My Weekend | Golfing and Thrifting

In a still photo, you may think I was the next Stacy Lewis or Inbee Park. Okay....maybe not. This weekend I was able to complete my first golf lesson and it went well. So well, I can't wait to get back over to the driving range and practice my swing. I guess you could say I am channeling my Dad's love for the sport. My husband and I are always saying he should have his own little business coaching people on the sport. He could name it "Pops". Now who wouldn't sign up for that? Lol

Since this is a blog page about style, I can't go without writing about my simple ensemble. Instead of racing out the door to purchase a new outfit to wear to my first golf lesson, I took a look in my closet to decide on something appropriate to wear.

The focus of my entire look was wrapped around the shoes I have on my feet. Yes! I love them. They were a great find at Wal-Mart and I couldn't leave the store without buying them. The rest of my outfit was pretty simple. The skirt and belt was purchased at the thrift store and the sheer blouse was purchased at F21.

The great part about the entire lesson is learning a sport that my husband and I can enjoy together.  

On my way home, I pass right by the Goodwill and I needed some Thrift Store Therapy. Twenty dollars later, I came out with these lovely items. I have great DIY projects in mind and I can't wait to get started. I will definitely share them in future blogs. What DIY projects do you have brewing? Regardless of what they are, have fun with your style and stay beautiful!

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