
About Me

Hi, my name is Keshia and welcome to my blog! Since I've been  tall enough to remember, I have enjoyed getting dressed up and trying to look great on every occasion. In the recent years I have embraced my love for creating things. Now on my blog, I am using it as a space to share all of my ventures with style. With that said, you will find my own personal style, sewing projects, DIYs, recipe ideas, and me trying to stay healthy for myself, my handsome husband, two beautiful kids, and a wonder dog named Michael who loves to run and play. To say the least, I am VERY busy. Sometimes a 30 min project can take a week to complete....LOL. Family first..Right! Never the less, this blog was created to share my ideas and possibly inspire others to create things they love. I am a novice...trying to become intermediate sewer who has learned over time that you understand more by just jumping right in....with a seam ripper in your hand. LOL! As a reward, you will have something you made with your own ten fingers. If you have any question, please feel free to contact me @ Remember to always embrace your style and STAY BEAUTIFUL!!

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