
Sunday, April 27, 2014

BLOG HOP | A Relay for Bloggers

My lovely cousin Shayla at Angel Skirts (Click Here) has tagged me with a clever blog hop this week and I am so excited to join in on the fun. Believe it or not, this is my first collaboration with other bloggers. I know what you are thinking…I am working on it. LOL. A blog hop is like an internet relay. One blogger passes the baton/topic to to the next blogger and the Par-tay keeps going forever….or until we find another ingenious idea to connect with each other on the World Wide Web.

Without further ado, allow me to hop along and explain why I write. 

What am I working on?

Most of the things you will find on my blog are DIYs and upcycling. All of the topics are focused on using my sewing hand.  I am currently working on bringing a little more variety to my blog page. I have come to the realization that I can achieve this with a with an organized schedule and format.  No matter what I blog about, I always want to show the steps I took to create my masterpiece. I feel this could potentially inspire other to create the same thing with their own spin at an affordable price.  

How does my work differ from others of its genre?

My take on an inspiration is what sets me apart from others. Every blogger is special for the same reason. We bring an attractive personal touch to everything we discuss on our blog. I guess blog posts are like fingerprints…you will never find one EXACTLY alike.

Why do I write what I do?

My blog was inspired with needing an outlet and a lack of resources. For the last decade I have lived in two small towns that lacked quality retail stores. Thrifting and Wal-Mart is all a SISTAH HAS! LOL. Instead of rolling up in a ball and sliding into a state of retail depression, I conformed to my environment and added a twist. I fell in love with bringing things to life and I felt the need to blog about it.  The purpose of my blog is to show people that retail is not the last resort….let’s not even talk about the markup on the items sold in stores. Most of all, I love blogging and I write because it’s my joy!

How does my writing process work?

It usually starts with a glass of Barefoot Moscato and some comfortable pajamas after the kids are down for the count. I have come to the realization that I am no longer living in my world from the hours of 7am to 8pm. It is all about the kids. I guess my blogging process is about getting in where you fit in. This means I constantly use the notepad on my iPad to jot down quick ideas or rip pages out of magazines of things I am inspired by. Once my babies are sleep, I bring my ideas to life. Sometimes I wake up early to get some work done as well. It’s all about finding free time. Remember…this is my outlet and I live to create.

Thank you Shayla for including me on this blog hop! For the next week, I would like to pass the baton on to ANYONE who has a blog and would like to keep this Blog Hippity HOP Par-Tay going. Remember to answer the four questions I addressed in this blog. E-mail me at if you decide to join in the festivities or send me a message on my Facebook Page (Click Here). Hop along and have fun. 


Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Treadmill Workout | Shaking it up

Working out is a part of my lifestyle and I am very happy to share today's post. I'm not really sure why it took me SO long to make note of it on my blog. Nevertheless, I am HERE...and ready to write about my FABuLouS workout!

My energy level has a lot to do with my workouts. Believe it or not, I am dragging on the days I don't get my blood pumping. So today I am off to a good start with burning up 500+ calories. Working out on a treadmill can become boring an mundane at times so I was excited when I found  this great workout on Pinterest. Let me tell YOU!! This workout REALLY shook things up. If you don't have a treadmill, you can still take this workout to an outdoor or indoor track with a stop watch. I will get the same results. Nothing has to be perfect. JUST MOVE!! Let's get to it.

CLICK HERE to get the same workout I completed. If done properly, you will exceed the 500 calories goal. The instructions recommends you to complete 5 sets but I only completed 4 and I met the 500 calorie goal. This workout is broken down into 10 minute intervals and it's easy to remember. Instead of doing a warm-up, I hopped right in with a 4mph walk for 5 minutes. After the first set was complete, I was ready to get it turned up ALL the way. The sweat was dripping and bacon fat was burning. Let's just say this workout is a keeper.

As you can see, I was able to burn up 532 calories in a matter of 42 minutes. This is less than one episode of Scandal.

I finished the workout with a few situps and pushup.....I am saving some for tomorrow's workout. I will focus more on strength training and less on cardio. Mixing it up is a great way to stay motivated.

I workout at home so I sometimes use the table to keep my feet grounded during situps. Sometimes you got to use what you have to get what you want...LOL. That line was in a movie...Can you guess which one?

Always have fun and embrace a health lifestyle! It does a body good.

Thursday, April 10, 2014

DRAB TO FAB | Dress Refashion

This  Moo Moo was found at a thrift store for $2 and I fell in love with the pretty purple fabric and floral print. When I saw the dress, I knew I could update the look. I came up with a plan and I got to chopping. Listed below are the steps I took to create my FAB look. Remember to have fun with your style and stay beautiful!!

Tip #1: Look in your local thrift store for any over sized/shapeless dresses made with a great print. You can always make it your own!

Tip #2: A great way to learn how to sew and get use to your machine is to practice on inexpensive items you find at the thrift store. 

The top was made using a t-shirt pattern and I added added tabs for sleeves.  The neckline was created by using an interfacing to keep it nice and neat.

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

DIY Peplum Top | Vogue Pattern 8815

The weather in Kansas has finally eased up enough to actually take a decent photo outside. Yeah!! I was SO excited to see the weather reach a scorching 63 degrees for mid-day. I am a Southern Bell and I'm still trying to adjust. LOL. Am I complaining?.....Time to actually talk about the top and not the weather. 

This peplum top was sewn about a week ago with 1 yard of grey fabric I absolutely love. Without a doubt I knew I had to pick the perfect pattern because the fabric is such a nice neutral color. Let's just say this top will be worn ALOT. Day, Night, and weekend. You know me....I love FUNCTIONALITY!!

I can't rave enough about this style top because it is perfect for every single figure. The waist hits in the perfect spot and it flares out in the right areas. Especially if you are trying to hide a food baby. Most of all, a kangaroo pouch from previous babies you may have had like myself.

This brings me to my next point. These photos made me realize that the winter has been too long and I have been doing a lot of shaming in the exercise department. The time has come for me to get on my J-O-B! Photos don't lie and it's time to set some goals before the weather really gets warm. I guess Kansas has givin me an opportunity to put the snacks down and get on the treadmill.

Without further ado....the pattern review is listed below.


Stretch Knit Fabric. Click HERE to find similar fabric.

Sewing Time
1 hr

Did the pattern match the results?

Difficulty of Pattern

The fabric is awesome. It's a stylish look that's easy to sew.

I added a double peplum. Instead of cutting one peplum I cut two and reduced the top peplum by 2 inches to show separation. 

Would I sew it again?

Have fun with your style and stay beautiful!!

Sew Wild | Vogue Pattern 8913

Have you ever made a mistake on something and it turned in to a masterpiece? either.. Just kidding. Today's post was designed to be a loose fitting blouse like the lady standing beside me in the picture. As a result, it developed into a form fitted dress. LOVE IT. Not only is it in animal print, but it's on the short side as well. I made a belt (coming up in a future blog) to cinch in my waist to accentuate ( that word) my figure. You are not able to see it because I made it out of the same material as the dress. Tip: A great way to show off your curves is to add a belt to your natural waist line. It works even better if you can find one in the same color as the garment. This causes less distraction to the eye and it makes you look taller and slimmer. This is coming from the QUEEN of wanting to look thin. With ALL of that said, the pattern review is listed below. Remember to have fun with your style and stay beautiful!!


Dress - Broadcloth - Wal-Mart
Liner - Crepe - Wal-Mart
(Sorry I don't have links but the fabric store clerks would be happy to assist if you ask for the two type fabrics.)

Sewing Time
I sewed 30 minutes each night when I had free time. It took me 5 days to complete.
For YOU- about 1 hr. LOL

Did the pattern match the results?
No. It was suppose to be a shirt.

LESSON LEARNED - Follow the Finished Garment measurements for a loose shirt. If you want form fitted dress...measure yourself and make necessary adjustments.

Difficulty of Pattern

Great pattern

I added a liner to the dress, added a rolled cuff to the sleeves, and made a belt to cinch in my waist.

Would I sew it again?

STAY BEAUTIFUL!!!!! See you in the next blog post.