
Thursday, July 11, 2013

Weight Loss Progression with Style

Working out has become a part of my daily regime. I went through a small dose of depression when I stepped on the scale and it revealed I was well over my desired weight of 135lbs….I had hit 185. Before having my two BEAUTIFUL kids, I was at the perfect size and I could run like the wind. Running is my therapy and my passion. However, it became quite difficult with an additional 50lbs to carry. I refused to listen to the stories of never getting your body back after having kids. Too many people had done it and I was determined.

On January 1, 2012, I made a resolution to CONSISTENTLY work on making myself better and to never go two days without working out for at least 10 minutes. The first ten minutes of any workout seems horrible because you are waking up your body. After those 10 minutes are done, my entire perspective changes with getting my PAR-tay on.
Last but not least is STYLE!.....and looking beautiful why you sweat is always a motivator. Me being the Chic/Affordable shopper I am, I like to go to Wal-Mart and Target to purchase cute little pieces to keep my motivation up. I always keep everything very cute….but most of all Functional. Comfort is everything when you add heavy breathing and perspiration.
I hope this blog post will motivate everyone to keep it moving and PAR-TAY like a fitness rock star! Regardless of what you are doing, STAY BEAUTIFUL!