
Monday, July 16, 2012

Keeping It Simple

How many times have you had to rush out the door on a Monday morning? Today was my day!  I literally got ready in record breaking time. (My husband will deny it….lol)  This morning I relied on simplicity. I selected three essential pieces from my wardrobe and tied it all together with the shoes. I was ready to go in a matter of minutes.  

In the past, I would buy an outfit for a specific event or I would buy things because they look great in the store. In the end, nothing really worked with what I already had……forcing me to shop again. Don’t make the mistake I made. Treat your closet like your refrigerator. Before you go shopping, take a look at what you already have. Make a list of the things you need to avoid buying something that doesn’t work. The key to building an endless wardrobe is to buy items you can style multiple ways. 

Have fun with your style and stay beautiful!